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The value proposition is your most important part of your cold call script. It is the main deciding factor as to whether or not a person will set up a future call with you. If you’re not getting appointments, chances are you need help with the value proposition. This statement needs WOW! prospects while still be realistic and believable. I have heard many cold calls fail because the value proposition was poorly executed.

An effective value proposition MUST demonstrate how setting up an appointment will either (1) make them money, (2) save them money, or (3) make their life easier. You do this with three techniques: the credibility statement, the proof statement, and the position statement.

The Credibility Statement

Credibility is crucial in sales. People are 75% more likely to to try something when they know someone else has tried it first and found the experience positive. One way to build your credibility on the cold call is by name dropping. So the first section of your value proposition statement should say something like “Companies A, B, and C continue to use us as their primary source for X (name your primary service).” Make sure the companies you use have strong brand recognition in the industry space you are targeting. This gives you instant credibility. In essence, you are saying “don’t worry, you’re not the first person to try and love our service/product.” Establishing credibility will lead to more appointments.

The Proof Statement

Proof matters. In order to demonstrate how you will either make a prospect more money or save them money, you must demonstrate proof. To do this, create a statement that demonstrates statistical proof about the results of your product or service. It is also important to provide numbers and time period.  For example, you might say “our service has been shown to reduce expenses by 30% over six months” or “our service has increased website visitors by 140% in under 120 days.” The number needs to be significant and relevant to their industry and scope of responsibility. Proving your product or service works will lead to more appointments.

The Position Statement

How we rate against our competition matters. Prospects judge us on our comparisons. So help your prospects by giving them your ranking. Say things like “we are the world’s fastest provider of X” or “we were recommended on X.” You don’t want to make false statements about your product or service, so make sure your statements are true. But this is your chance to show how you rank against your competition. Make it easier for your prospects to choose you.

Once you have your credibility statement, proof statement, and position statement compiled, finish with a strong close. Say “I’ve got two times available this week for that quick call. I have Tuesday at 2:00 or Wednesday at 11:00, which day works better for you?”

Your value proposition should read like this  (this is the Launch Leads Value Proposition Statement):

“Companies like Teleperformance, Chegg, and Degreed continued to use us as their qualified sales lead source provider because we have been shown to increase quality appointments for our clients up to 130% year-over-year and increase potential revenue by 158%. We were recently recommend on for our high end B2B appointment setting services and my VP wanted me to set up some time with you on the phone. Next week, I have Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday is wide open. Which day works better for you?”

Value proposition statements matter. They are the crux of your case as to why an appointment with you is so important. Design your value proposition statement around making the client money, saving them money, or making their life easier. Use a credibility statement, proof statement, and position statement to hit every thing that is important to your prospect. Make it as easy as possible for the prospect to choose you.

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